Seminars and lectures
Currently, no events planned.
Looking back
Organizer: Vienna University of Economics, University of Vienna, Vienna Chamber of Commerce
- The Limited Liability company – Design Issues from the Legal Practice
Lecture given at the symposium „100 Years Limited Liability Company in Austria“
19th June 2006, Vienna Chamber of Commerce
Organizer: Creditors Protection Association of 1870 (KSV Academy)
- The Articles of Association of a Limied Liability Company – what does is it really depend on?
5th June 2003 - Detection and Prosecution of Maladministration in the Limited mLiability Company by Minority Shareholders
15th May 2003 - The new Act on Equity Substitution and other Pitfalls with the Funding of a Limited Liability Company
10th April 2003 - Are you a Shareholder of a Limited Liability Company? This you have to know!
5th March 2003 - Shareholders‘ Resolutions and General Assembly
20th February 2003 - Are you a Shareholder of a Limited Liability Company? This you have to know!
12nd November 2002 - Pitfalls with funding a Limited Liability Company
24th September 2002 - The optimal Articles of Association of a Limited Liability Company
18th July 2002 - Do you have your Company under control?
16th May 2002 - General Assembly and Shareholders‘ Resoultions
14th March 2002 - Are you a Shareholder of a Limited Liability Company? This you have to know!
12nd March 2002
Organizer: Publisher Austria (Verlag Österreich)
- Basic Information regarding the Law of LLC for Directors and Shareholders
Rights – Obligations – Trivia
13rd April 2005 - Basic Information regarding the Law of LLC for Directors and Shareholders
Rights – Obligations – Trivia
21st June 2005 - The Articles of Association of a Limited Liability Company – what do they really depend on?
Short seminar
23rd September 2004
Event Info - Conferendce of the Magazine for Corporate and Tax Law GeS aktuell
7th May 2004
Vienna, Hotel Le Meridien
Event Info
o Current Problems from the Companies‘ Practice
o Influx of foreign Companies (especially English Limiteds) to Austria
o Highlights of Equity Compensation law
o Dr. Lukas Fantur
Lecturers and Debators:
o William Birnbauer, Judicial Officer, District Court Wr. Neustadt
o Dr. Christoph Bieber, public. Notary
o Prof. Dr. Martin Karollus, Johannes Kepler University of Linz
o Dr. Georg Nowotny, Judge, Higher Regional Court Vienna
o Univ. Ass. Thomas Ratka, LL.M., University of Vienna
o Dr. Gerald Schmidserger, Attorney - LLC Basic Knowledge for Shareholders and Managing Directors
22nd April 2004 - LLC Basic Knowledge for CEOs
3rd April 2003
Information Seminar - LLC Basic Knowledge for CEOs
27th March 2003
Information Seminar - LLC Basic Knowledge for CEOs
27th May 2002 - Frequent Problems in the Practice of a LLC and their Prevention – Tips for Entrepreneurs and CEOs
3rd October 2001 - Are you a Shareholder s? You have to know!
5th November 2003
Organizer: Business Circle
- Update Company Law
o Corporate Governance Code, Declaration of Commitment, Risk Management, Auditing
o Sarbanes-Oxley Act – Inconsistency in Statutory Audits post Enron / Worldcom
o Healing of hidden Contribution in kind
Federal Court of Justice (Ger) „Macrotron“: Competence of General Meeting and exit right to delisting
o Supervisory-Board – Election of Minority Representatives
o Nullity of Resolutions of the General Meeting
o Special Audit
Lecture module together with Prof. Dr. Hanns F. Hügel at the 7th Annual Meeting Legal and Tax RuSt 2003
16./17. October 2003
Rust / Lake Neusiedl
Information Seminar
- Conflicts of Interest in the Law of Corporations – Problems in One-Person and Group Companies
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Hanns F. HÜgel / Institute for Commercial Law and Securities Law
then discussion with Dr. Johannes Reich-Rohrwig, CMS Strommer
13rd May 2003
University of Vienna, Juridicum